Synthetic is a manmade organic and inorganic formulated motor oil form with various chemical molecular combinations tailored to make the engine more healthy, fit for extended period of time and fuel efficient that hadn’t been possible in past with conventional oil.
Synthetic formulation and chemical combination improved very much from time to time and it continue to do so.
Why is synthet ic oil better for 9high mileage cars?
There is a myth to avoid synthetic oil for high mileage cars those drove over 90000 miles because their viscosity are too thin and leak or lack compatibility with the engines, this all hold very untrue, In fact synthetic oil have oil have unique additives which could help to clean up aisles, sludge and slow engine wear and tear.
It also have the characteristics to maintain engine performance optimally at a worst conditions whether it’s too hot or too cold.
Synthetic/Semi oil is a smart oil technology that only tend to develop to enhance engine performance for not only high mileage cars but newly cars as well.
Conventional oil/regular/mineral also do have some oil additives as called properties to clean, sludge and so on to make the engine perform better, however it helps but lack special characteristics as synthetic has.
To make it more clear here is a detail explanation about why is synthetic oil better for high mileage cars.
Engine Oil Capacity for All Vehicles in United States
Benefit of synthetic oil
Clean Up
Sludge is a tar-like residue that can build up in an engine as the result of oil thickening or breakdown, most often the result of poor maintenance and infrequent oil changes. High mileage oil can help remove engine sludge and reduce wear in older engines.
Engine oil consumption and leaks
Over time, an engine’s seals can erode, causing engine oil to leak. Additives in certain high mileage oils can protect worn seals and keep leaks from forming. Older vehicles tend to burn more oil and the lower volatility of Mobil 1 High Mileage helps reduce oil loss caused by burn-off, particularly on cylinder walls due to leakage past the oil control ring.
Engine wear and tear
As engines age, they can increasingly wear out. Mobil 1 Extended Performance High Mileage and Mobil 1 High Mileage oils offer unsurpassed wear protection to help prevent wear and protect critical engine components – a claim supported by the industry-accepted Sequence IVA engine wear test.
Time of interval for oil change is longer
The point of using high-quality synthetic oil is to take better care of the engine and reduce deposit formation, which may reduce power, performance, and fuel economy – rather than extending the drain interval. When it comes to how often change a full synthetic oil we recommend following a car manufacturer’s oil change intervals. Most of the automakers today require oil changes at either 7,500 or 10,000 miles, and the interval can go up to 15,000 miles in some cars.
What synthetic oil to use for high mileage car?
Choosing the best motor oil can be tricky, especially if you have an older vehicle. Understanding what type of oil your car needs at the different stages of its life can be what makes or breaks your engine, and your bank account.
If you’re in the market for some high mileage motor oil, there are a few things to consider before you make a purchase.
- The age of your engine
- Viscosity and temperature
- Additives
- Pricing
Choosing right motor oil is wholly depends on these above four points, it isn’t as easy as it looks like.
Sometimes old engine high mileage cars require repair and maintenance of their engine causing burning of oil, under power, engine noise, all these cannot be solved simply from synthetic oil.
It has to be repaired before choosing oil, however if the engine is in good condition and you want longer mileage oil then number of options can be selected from the list of Best Oil for High Mileage Cars.
Similarly temperature and viscosity and additives are the main component of engine oil, which viscosity and right additives you require, for example extreme hot weather with dusty climate requires high viscosity grade (10w-40, 20w-50) with cleaning up the engine additives in it, more view on Car Engine Oil Types.
Pricing is a major factor, synthetic oils are more expensive than conventional oils, but the cost of oil per oil is almost same, because synthetic can last up to average 9000 miles and conventional last up to 6000 miles, read more about: What Kind of Oil Does My Car Need.
For example:
Synthetic oil
5 quarts = $28/9000= .0031 miles per cost
Conventional oil
5 quarts = $16/6000= .0026 miles per cost