About Us


This is Mr. Rahman Ahmed General entrepreneur. Car & Vehicles specialist, Enthusiasts. Founder of this site. This is Mrs. GullRaiz Ahmed Car as a driving instructor in the UK for the last 6 years and an Associate partner of this site.

Our Goal

Cars-care.net is an informative automotive website, our objective is to pass the most relevant and accurate information on each and every vehicle query to our audience.

We evaluated from the past decade that the search audience might need more than the available information on search engines.

While we do rely on advertising revenue to cover some of our operating costs, but we never compromise on providing our readers with the most current, accurate, and thorough information possible.

To be able to give the user more accurate and reliable information, we are still learning from more experienced mechanics and subject-matter experts.

Our Team

We categorized them into two teams:

  • Those who are writing an Article: Our authors gather information from our experts and provide it to you in a way that is simple to read, clear to understand, concise, and demonstrates their level of expertise.
  • Those who provide information: Such as Experts Mechanics, Engineers, Car marketing sales officers and etc.
  • Team Members Countries: UK, USA, Canada Australia, Middle East Pakistan, India, and Europe.

Our Limitation

Due to financial constraints, as you are aware, we are unable to recruit such professionals at this time. However, we think that with the support of our loyal users, we will be able to do so in the future. They will collaborate with us and pass the appropriate information as soon as possible.


Contact Details


Rehman Ahmed

Email: [email protected]

Editorial Staff

Hassan Zaka

Email: [email protected]

Ibrar Ayyub

Email: [email protected]

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